Midwestern Medical Directors Association

Midwestern Medical Directors Association

President's Message


Welcome to our Midwestern Medical Directors Association website!

The 2019 MMDA Annual Meeting and Medical Conference hosted by Prudential and Swiss Re in Minneapolis this past May was a huge success and very well received by those who attended and presented at the conference. We want to thank our amazing presenters for an outstanding conference and our hosts and attendees for a wonderful time! We especially enjoyed the musical entertainment by Bob Coates and Friends on Thursday evening. Presentations slides from the 2019 conference are available in the Member’s Only section of our website.

Special thank you to our 2019 sponsors which included:

Kindly thank them all for their generous support!

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we plan to host our next MMDA Annual Conference in the Fall of 2021 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Also, 2019 memberships have been extended through 2020. New memberships will be accepted and current memberships can be renewed starting in January 2021. These memberships will last until January 2022.

Feel free to contact me or any member of the executive team (Maryam Shapland, MD of RGA or Nico Van Zyl, MD of Hannover Re) if you have any questions or concerns.


Susan Stegman, MD, DBIM
VP Medical Director
Northwestern Mutual
President of MMDA 2020-2021